
How to Make Every Performance Review Simpler

Purpose: There are three things all managers can do throughout the year to make every performance review simpler while avoiding conversations that catch employees by surprise.

Click here for The 5 Things The Best Managers Do During Performance Reviews

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New Manager Assimilation

Purpose: A New Manager Assimilation provides a platform for teams to build trust and a culture of psychological safety by allowing employees to give feedback to their new manager. This process fast tracks the relationship-building component and lays a foundation for open communication.

Click here to learn How to Conduct a New Manager Assimilation


Learning Needs Analysis

Purpose: The goal of a Learning Needs Analysis is to pinpoint the specific behaviors and examples, not generalizations, of how and why employees are falling short and areas they need to improve. This information will help you determine the best training program to reach optimal, targeted performance.

Click here to read more about How to Conduct a Learning Needs Analysis

Click here for the Learning Needs Analysis Interview Template

Click here for a Learning Needs Analysis Survey Template


Career Development Plan

Purpose: A Career Development Plan is a tool to guide career development conversations between you and your employees. This is not intended to be a contract for a promotion/raise, but a document that helps facilitate a career discussion. The process may help increase employee retention, productivity, and motivation.

Click here for the Career Development Plan Template

Click here for a sample Career Development Plan

Feed Learning Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Performance Improvement Plan

Purpose: Performance Improvement Plans are used to notify the employee that their job is in jeopardy due to a policy infraction or poor performance. This notice should be written BEFORE the conversation. After this discussion, the employee should be made aware that continued violations will result in termination. Supervisors should consult with HR before administering the PIP.

Click here for the Performance Improvement Plan Template