Course Description

This workshop will equip managers with a comprehensive toolkit to lead and navigate change effectively, fostering a culture of resilience and adaptability within their organizations. Managers will be empowered with the skills and confidence to champion transformational initiatives and successfully steer their teams through any future changes.

Audience: Managers
Duration: 2 hours

Learning objectives include:

  • Understand the psychological and emotional aspects of change and how individuals and teams react to transitions.

  • Develop skills to confidently lead change initiatives, including creating a clear vision, setting achievable objectives, and engaging stakeholders.

  • Master effective communication techniques to build support and alignment throughout the change process.

  • Foster a culture of adaptability and continuous improvement within teams and the organization.

  • Learn strategies to overcome resistance and obstacles, while supporting employees through change and evaluating its impact.


Learning Agenda

  • The Effects of Change: Understand the psychological and organizational impacts of change, exploring how individuals and teams respond to change.

  • Transparency & Clarity: Create clear and honest messages that foster trust, mitigate uncertainty, and promote a shared understanding of the change process.

  • Communication Plan: Develop a robust communication plan for managing change, covering key elements such as identifying stakeholders, crafting effective messages, and utilizing various communication channels to ensure consistent and timely dissemination of information.

  • Continuous Improvement: Emphasize the need for ongoing evaluation, feedback loops, and adaptive strategies to enhance and refine the change process over time.

  • Overcoming Obstacles: Equip yourself with practical tools and strategies to identify, address, and overcome common obstacles and resistance encountered during the change process, fostering a resilient and adaptable organizational culture.


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