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Episode 7 - Sheena Singh


Sheena Singh, a VP at a benefits consulting firm, shares her experience growing up in an immigrant household and how that upbringing influenced her decisions. We’ll talk a good amount about money and how it plays an influential role in the relationships we have and also in how we perceive our self-worth. Specifically, Sheena will remark on the pivotal moment when she first realized she was impacted by pay inequality and her response to it. Towards the end we’ll also talk about her challenges working in healthcare while balancing her passion for social justice.

Questions and Time Stamp

  1. Scan your resume. [1:37]

  2. You worked in your company for 13 years, do you ever feel like you’re missing out when you don’t leave the company? FOMO? [4:35]

  3. Tell me more about your upbringing. What was it like to grow up in your household? [7:25] 

  4. What were some main lessons taught or values that were instilled in you, and perhaps you still follow today? [9:24] 

  5. If a guy doesn’t make as much as you, would you date him? [15:03]

  6. How do you define success? [16:47]

  7. How do you ask for a raise? [19:01]

  8. Let’s say someone wants to ask for a raise and they feel they are not fairly compensated and they feel anxious about going into that conversation. What are some tips you have for this person? [26:18]

  9. Did you play a politics throughout the way or was it do hard work and you’ll get to where you need to be? [29:27]

  10. How do you market yourself? [31:10]

  11. Can you describe yourself in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, etc.? [33:51]

  12. How has your social identity positively or negatively impacted your career? [34:08]

  13. Do you feel a stereotype threat? Perhaps you know there are stereotypes about you, maybe how you look or your age,  to where people are thinking about that and it impacts how you perform at work? [35:40]

  14. Did you overcome [stereotype threat] because time and experience or was there a pivotal moment that helped you understand “Hey, I need to stop self-doubting and putting limitations on myself because no one else is?” [38:01]

  15. Why is fairness and social justice important to you? [41:22]

  16. What do you say to people who are in the mindset of “I’m not being impacted. That’s not my problem. That’s that group of people’s problem. Why should I care? I’m doing fine?” [45:46]

  17. LIGHTNING ROUND [50:46]

  18. What advice would you give someone who wants  to advance in their career? [53:44]

  19. Any advance on someone who is now managing someone who you [use to be a peer to]? [55:13]

  20. Any tips on presenting to executives or key stakeholders who are leaders? [56:22]

  21. Any books, articles, resources you recommend to check out? [57:03]

Resource Links

Health Affairs

The Wall Street Journal

New York Times

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

A People’s History of the United States

Guest Bio

Sheena Singh graduated from NYU with a degree in psychology and is currently a VP at a publicly-traded benefits consulting firm. In her spare time, she likes to travel, dine in NYC restaurants (when it’s possible), and support her parents like any responsible immigrant child. :) She is an advocate for social justice and is looking forward to using her experience in healthcare to contribute to a more fair and equitable world.


Hosted by

Jessica Nguyen

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