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Episode 4 - Jonathan Casilli


My dear friend Jonathan Casilli is a project manager in the construction industry in New York City. In this episode, we talk about his experience joining the “dark side” of construction management and the behind-the-scenes work of renovations. He’ll also share how he built the confidence to talk to strangers, the awkward time he asked for a raise, and how being tall helped his career. He’s 6’2”.

Questions and Time Stamp

  1. Scan your resume. [1:11]

  2. Why is going from General Contractor to Owner side considered going to the “dark side?” [4:19]

  3. What is the hardest, most stressful, or most pressured part about your job? [6:14]

  4. How often do you go over budget? [7:53]

  5. How do you stay within budget? [8:04]

  6. What differentiates a great project manager from  a good one? [10:35]

  7. What are the questions are you asking as a project manager to get a better scope or landscape for the project? [11:53]

  8. Since you have the upper hand in negotiations, what are some tips on how to effectively negotiate with someone like you? [13:47]

  9. How do you show value? [14:40]

  10. How do you break down problems and simplify them? [15:40]

  11. How do you stay organized? Do you have a system of staying organized? [19:09]

  12. You have to have that mentality to have that follow through to stay organized. Is there a reason why you’re wired that way? [21:08]

  13. When it comes to solving people-related problems, what is your thought process? How do you generally resolve disagreements in the workplace? [21:51]

  14. What’s your experience having to be honest even if it’s bad news? [24:30]

  15. How do you build strong relationships in the workplace? What do you do to make people think of you, want to work with you, or like you? [27:43]

  16. How do you define success in your career? [29:53]

  17. Have you ever had to ask for a raise? [32:22]

  18. What goes through your mind when you want to ask for a raise or a promotion? [32:31]

  19. When you were asking for a raise, did you think you had to negotiate? [38:46]

  20. Would you say you’re a confident person? [40:04]

  21. How do you build confidence? [42:08]

  22. Can you describe yourself in terms of your race, ethnicity, gender, generation, etc.? [43:31]

  23. How has your identity positively or negatively impacted your career? [43:57]

  24. Has anyone explicitly said because you’re a white man, we’re gonna promote you or you get this benefit?  [44:39]

  25. Do you feel being tall impacted your career? [45:38]

  26. What if you’re not tall or don’t look intimidating, any recommendations to not let people push you over or around? [48:07]

  27. LIGHTNING ROUND [49:30]

  28. What is your advice for someone who is trying to figure out what career path they should be in? [52:51]

  29. What is your advice for someone who wants to advance in their career or get a raise or promotion? [53:29]

  30. What is your advice to build strong and authentic work relationships? [55:11]

  31. Any books, articles you recommend? [56:01]

Resource Links

Pucking Thoughts Podcast

Google Docs

Guest Bio

Jonathan Casilli is a Director of Construction and resides in Westchester, NY with his wife, son, and dog. In his spare time he enjoys playing hockey, volleyball, video games and doing yard work around the house. You can also check out his podcast “Pucking Thoughts” where he and his partner candidly talk about NHL and sometimes international and NCAA hockey.

Going out for a hike

Going out for a hike

Jonathan and his pup Bumble

Jonathan and his pup Bumble

Middle blocker at a YMCA tournament

Middle blocker at a YMCA tournament


Hosted by

Jessica Nguyen

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