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Episode 1 - Sherri Liang


My good friend Sherri Liang shares her experience as a young Asian female working in a predominantly male industry. Hear her stories on why she stops apologizing at work, how she overcame imposter syndrome, and her method of managing stress, including the time she had to replan her wedding in 4 days due to Hurricane Florence.

Questions and Time Stamp

  1. Scan your resume. [00:54]

  2. Have you ever had to work outside your job description? [02:06]

  3. How do you know when it’s time to quit a job? [03:18]

  4. What are the challenges that come with your job? [04:47]

  5. What’s the stereotype about people who work in the federal government and would you like to confirm or deny any of them? [05:07]

  6. Why do you do what you do? [07:44]

  7. When you look for your next career move, do you typically look for job stability over passion? [10:07]

  8. How do you define success in your career? [11:10]

  9. What is your thought process or approach when it comes to resolving people conflicts and disagreements? [14:25]

  10. Why do you stop apologizing at work? [15:49]

  11. Who was the best manager you ever had and why? [17:08]

  12. Can you describe the best type of colleagues to work with? [19:17]

  13. Can you describe the worst type of colleagues to work with? [20:28]

  14. What does properly communicating look like to you? [21:02]

  15. Have you ever had to work with someone who complained so much? What do you do in those situations? How do you handle them? [22:37]

  16. Would you say that you’re a confident person? [24:40]

  17. On a scale of 1-10, how confident of a person are you? [24:48]

  18. How do you build your confidence? [26:02]

  19. How did you overcome imposter syndrome? [27:39]

  20. How do you go about learning what you need to learn at work? [28:26]

  21. How do you build relationships at work? How do you become friends or friendly with others? [29:37]

  22. What stresses you out or gives you anxiety at work? [32:51]

  23. Do you have any physical responses to stress? [34:47] 

  24. When you got the call from the venue saying we’re canceling your wedding due to the hurricane, what was going through your mind? [37:40]

  25. Would you say you manage stress very well? [39:36]

  26. What’s your trick on managing stress? [39:59]

  27. What do you do to destress or unwind from a long workday or work week? [40:40]

  28. How would you describe yourself in terms of your race, ethnicity, gender, generation, etc.? [42:06]

  29. Do you feel stereotypes have been placed on you at work? [42:29]

  30. Have you ever felt like a victim of discrimination at work? [43:44]    

  31. Do you get anxiety when confronting others? How do you overcome that? [46:21]

  32. Lightning round. [47:45]

  33. Five, 10, 20 years from now, what do you see yourself doing or what would you like to accomplish by then? [51:27]

  34. What advice would you give someone who is in transition of figuring out the right career path for them? [52:59]

  35. What’s your advice for someone who wants to advance in their career? [54:54]

  36. Any books, articles, or resources you recommend people to check out? [57:08]

Resource Links

Chris’s book: Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It https://www.amazon.com/dp/1847941494/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_f6svEbGAWQZVX

Guest Bio

Sherri Liang is a Program Manager in Utilities and Privatization for the Navy. She is a graduate of Bucknell University and American University and started her career with the Sierra Club working on the coal campaign. Her hobbies include CrossFit, volleyball, watching The Bachelor and Love Island, drinking seltzer water, and going out on adventures. She and her husband Nathan are expecting their first child in April 2020. 


Hosted by

Jessica Nguyen

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