I'm Launching a Podcast


Every time I visit my mother-in-law’s house in Brooklyn Heights, I am greeted by a simple piece of art when I walk through the front entrance.

Modern Art

This image has resonated with me and I’m reminded of it every time I have an idea that I do not bring to fruition.

I know I can’t be the only person who feels this way about herself--you have neat business ideas or personal projects you want to build out, but it’s all pushed aside and hidden in your electronic folder labeled “IDEAS” because you’re unsure of its success...and then life happens.

Life did happen to me this past year. I’m a new mom, and any parent can tell you that you have even less time to pursue ideas when you have children who need your attention. During the first 3 months of parenthood, I struggled--not only because I had to learn how to keep a human being alive, but also I did not want to lose my identity. I had to change my inner dialogue to say: If you really want it, you will find a way to make it happen.

With that said, I’m doing it. I’m launching a podcast. It’s called People Podcast. 

Feed Learning People Podcast E0 Episode 1 - Hello hello! with Jessica Nguyen

How I plan to differentiate People Podcast from other wonderful, inspirational, career-related podcasts out there is that I’ll interview guests who are open, vulnerable and will share their thought process on how they navigated sticky situations in the workplace. Some of the guests may be working professionals, some may be going through a career change, others may be leaders. Some may be in tech, education or retail, and others may be in a totally different industry. 

I feel that no matter your job, your level, or your industry, we are all people who encounter the same conflicts in our career. We’ve sometimes lost confidence in our abilities, we’ve had to go through numerous interviews, we’ve had difficult conversations with our managers, we’ve avoided people we didn’t like, we’ve had to fight for a pay raise, etc.

If you’re like me, you’re curious to know how others view the world and how they approach people-related problems. I discuss this in Episode 2 with my cousin Thuy Jacobson--you can gain so much perspective and learn so much from other people’s experiences and mistakes. 

Although I am in HR and Learning & Development by trade, I don’t have all the best answers, or even all the answers, but I know we collectively do. That’s what I hope to do with this podcast--help us learn from each other. 

Thanks for listening,


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